In KGSS you never feel alone. We have a dedicated team for well monitoring of patients & 24 hour care for all.
Are you addicted, we are here to help through our specialized programs which are helpful in recovering your life back. Here is a way out.
We are focused on addiction prevention, treatment and rehab. To deliver it KGSS run awareness campaign throughout a year.
KGSS have spacious room with good air ventilation. Provide healthy fooding, lodging, entertainment & power backup facility. 24 hours patient monitoring & individual nursing care.
We have a team of well qualified and experienced doctors which include psychologist, psychatrist & physicians. They are working for a purpose recovery to life.
Running awareness programs and individual counselling session focused on addiction prevention, treatment and rehab that meet the requirements of all community segments with respect to local values and culture.
It’s just one step, whether out of curiosity, why not try an ‘abe’ or ‘babysit’ by a bad guy to be ‘over the moon’, and you’ll find yourself in. once stuck there, you’ll find out it’s all a big lie. Soon, the established relationship with your entourage is unsettled and you turn their lives into hell for all you do care for is just a moment of ecstasy under the influence of drugs.
Throughout life, everyone passes through many turning points that drive them either for the better or drift them to the worse; it’s up to our reason and will that we decide where in which direction to steer our life, to be on the right track and to overcome all obstacles instead of toppling into the abyss.